

The Ant And The Grasshopper

When there carried on with an insect and a grasshopper in a lush meadow. The entire day the subterranean insect would buckle down, gathering grains of wheat from the rancher's field far away. She would rush to the area each day, when it was light to the point of seeing by, and work back with a big grain of wheat adjusted on her head. She would put the grain of wheat cautiously away in her larder and afterward hustle back to the field for another. The entire day she would work, without stop or rest, hurrying this way and that from the area, gathering the grains of wheat and putting them away cautiously in her larder. The grasshopper would check out at her and giggle. 'For what reason accomplish you buckle down, dear insect?' he would agree. 'Come, rest for a spell, pay attention to my tune. Summer has arrived; the days are long and splendid. Why squander the daylight in labor and work?' The insect would overlook him and, head bowed, rush to the field somewhat quicker. This would make the grasshopper chuckle considerably stronger. 'What a senseless little subterranean insect you are!' he would shout toward her. 'Come, come and hit the dance floor with me! Disregard work! Partake in the mid-year! Carry on with a bit!' And the grasshopper would jump away across the knoll, singing and moving joyfully. Summer blurred into harvest time, and fall transformed into winter. The sun was scarcely seen, and the days were short and dim, the evenings long and dark. It became cold, and snow started to fall. The grasshopper didn't want to sing any longer. He was cold and hungry. He had no place to protect from the snow and nothing to eat. The clearing and the rancher's field were canvassed in snow, and there was no food to be had. 'Gracious, how will I respond? Where will I go?' cried the grasshopper. Abruptly he recollected the subterranean insect. 'Ok - I will go to the insect and ask her for food and a safe house!' pronounced the grasshopper, livening up. So off he went to the insect's home and thumped at her entryway. 'Hi insect!' he cried merrily. 'Here I am, to sing for you, as I warm myself by your fire, while you get me some food from that larder of yours!' The insect took a gander at the grasshopper and said, 'The entire summer, I tried sincerely while you ridiculed me and sang and moved. You ought to have considered winter then! Find elsewhere to sing, grasshopper! There is no glow or nourishment for you here!' And the subterranean insect shut the entryway in the grasshopper's face.

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