

The Aunt And The Dove.

 On a sweltering summer day, a subterranean insect was looking for some water. After strolling around for quite a while, she approached the stream. To drink the water, she scaled on a bit of stone. While attempting to drink water, she slipped and fell into the stream.

A bird was sitting on the part of a subterranean tree insect falling into the stream. The pigeon immediately culled a leaf and dropped it into the waterway close to the striving insect. The insect moved towards the leaf and ascended onto it. Before long, the leaf floated to dry ground, and the insect leaped out. She admired the tree and said thanks to the bird.

Afterward, that very day, a bird catcher close by would toss his net over the pigeon wanting to trap it. A subterranean insect saw him and thought about what he would do. The pigeon was resting, and he had no clue about the bird catcher. An insect immediately chomped him on foot. Feeling the aggravation, the bird catcher dumped his net and let out a light shout. The bird saw it and immediately took off.

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