

The Blind Men And The Elephant

There existed once six visually impaired men who remained by the side of the road consistently and asked from individuals who passed. They had frequently known about elephants, yet they had never seen one; for, being visually impaired, how is this even possible?

It so happened one morning that an elephant was driven not too far off where they stood. When they were informed that the incredible monster was before them, they requested that the driver let him stop so they could see him.

They couldn't see him with their eyes; however, they felt that by contacting him, they could realize exactly what sort of creature he was.


The first ended up putting his hand on the elephant's side. "Indeed, well!" he said, "presently, I have a lot of familiarity with this monster. He is similar to a divider."

The second felt uniquely like the elephant's tusk. "My sibling," he said, "you are mixed up. He isn't at all like a divider. He is round and smooth and sharp. He is more similar to a lance than anything more."

The third ended up grabbing hold of the elephant's trunk. "Both of you are off-base," he said. "Anyone who realizes anything can see that this elephant resembles a snake."

The fourth connected his arms and got a handle on one of the elephant's legs. "Gracious, how blind you are!" he said. "It is exceptionally plain that he is round and tall like a tree."

The fifth was an extremely tall man, and he risked grabbing hold of the elephant's ear. "The blindest man should realize that this monster isn't like any of the things that you name," he said. "He is similar to an enormous fan."

The 6th was extremely visually very impaired, and it was some time before he could track down the elephant by any means. Finally, he held onto the creature's tail. "O silly fellows!" he cried. "You doubtlessly have lost your faculties. This elephant isn't like a divider, a lance, a snake, or a tree; nor is he like a fan. Yet, any man with a sense molecule can see that he is by and large like a rope."

Then, at that point, the elephant continued, and the six visually impaired men sat by the side of the road the entire day and disputed about him. Each accepted that he knew exactly how the creature looked, and each called the others hard names since they disagreed with him. Individuals who have eyes now and again go about as absurdly.

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