

Greedy Kweku Ananse Disgraced.

Some time ago, Kwaku Ananse, his significant other, and his youngsters had a massive homestead on which they developed different yields like sweet potato, plantain, cassava, and maize. Because of their persistent effort, they generally had enough to eat, sell and store for a windy day.

Ananse's serious issue, nonetheless, was that there was a shortage of meat in the realm, so they regularly had their suppers with no heart.

For somebody who adored meat so much, this became a significant cause of stress for Ananse. He was, accordingly, ready to pay anything to guarantee that his inventory of heart was ensured. This want drove Ananse to seek help from a mystic in one of the adjoining networks.

That day, Ananse ventured out through hazardous ways to get to the mystic's dwelling place. At long last, when the mystic showed up, his edgy looks truly scared Ananse how. However was frantic, so he didn't surrender.

Whenever his advantage was last served, Ananse left the mystic's place a cheerful man. This was because the mystic gave him an appeal that could kill the more significant part of the creatures to have some meat for his dinners, as he frantically cared about. Ananse needed to make that favored creature recount the words, 'Ekyem, meat, meat, meat' whenever they drew near to the appeal.

Ananse joyfully got back and chose to put the appeal to the test. He requested that his significant other set him up a delectable supper and when the food was prepared, he served a portion of the food along with the appeal and put it on a table, and stood by calmly for the main creature to come. He would forfeit him.

The smell of the food was solid to the point that in no time, it pulled in the principal creature, the grasscutter. Ananse promptly vowed to offer the grasscutter some food, given he would discuss the words, 'Ekyem, meat, meat, meat.' The grasscutter concurred, however, sadly for him; following doing such, he fell and passed on. Rapidly, Ananse took the grasscutter and requested his significant other to plan fufu and light soup with it for him.

He did likewise to the hen and the goat. It didn't take more time for the animals collectively to take note of the vanishing of particular creatures. The monkey saw that every one of the three creatures vanished after visiting Ananse at home. He, hence, volunteered to examine his doubts.

It was while stowing away at a spot in Ananse's home that the monkey saw what had occurred to the fourth creature, the sheep. What even got the monkey furious was the delight with which Ananse and his family praised the passing of an individual animal.

The monkey vowed to make Ananse pay for causing the demise of his kindred creatures since he needed to fulfill his need for meat. He detailed the occurrence to the other animals and told them of his arrangement for retribution. They promptly gave him their help.

The next day, the monkey went to Ananse's home exactly when food was prepared. Different creatures stow away in the close by shrub. When the monkey mentioned for a portion of the food very much like other creatures before he did, Ananse requested that the monkey recount the famous words, 'Ekyem, meat, meat, meat.'

The monkey purposefully committed an error and thus requested that Ananse right him. Ananse, notwithstanding, declined, and that was when the monkey-faced him with how he had seen him treat different creatures.

He denied this fervently; however, when he saw that the monkey was significant, he began searching for a method of getting away. He endeavored to take off, and exactly when he did, the other creatures emerged from their concealing spot and went after Ananse and his loved ones. Eventually, they were ousted from the realm and requested not to take anything along.

Along these lines, Ananse's avarice, which his family suitably upheld, brought him only shame. As kids, let us not do awful things to others, for those things could hurt us one day.

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