

Why Anansi Has Eight Thin Legs.

Some time ago, quite a while in the past, there carried on with a bug named Anansi. Anansi's significant other was an excellent cook. However, consistently, Anansi wanted to taste the food that others in the town made for them and their families.

At some point, he came by Rabbit's home. Bunny was his old buddy.

"There are greens in your pot," cried Anansi energetically. Anansi cherished greens.

"They are not exactly done," said Rabbit. "Be that as it may, they will be soon. Remain and eat with me."

"I couldn't imagine anything better, Rabbit; however, I have what should be done," Anansi said hastily. On the off chance that he held up at Rabbit's home, Rabbit would positively give him tasks to take care of. "I know," said Anansi. "I'll turn a web. I'll tie one end around my leg and one finish to your pot whenever  the greens are done; pull on the web, and I'll come running!"

Bunny believed that way wise. Thus it was finished.

"I smell beans," Anansi sniffed energetically as they strolled along. "Delightful beans, cooking in a pot."

"Come eat our beans with us," cried the monkeys. "They are practically finished."

"I couldn't imagine anything better than to Father Monkey," said Anansi. Furthermore, once more, Anansi proposed he turn a web, with one end tied around his leg and one end attached to a thenormousge bean pot.

Father Monkey imagined that was smart. Every one of his youngsters suspected as much, as well. Thus it was finished.

"I smell yams," Anansi sniffed joyfully as they strolled along. "Yams and honey, I do accept!"

"Anansi," called his companion Hog. "My pot is loaded with yams and honey! Come share my food with me."

"I couldn't imagine anything better," said Anansi. Also, once more, Anansi recommended he turn a web, with one end tied around his leg and one end attached to the yam pot.

His companion Hog felt that way smart. Thus it was finished.

When Anansi showed up at the waterway, he had one web attached to every one of his eight legs.

"This way, smart," Anansi told himself gladly. "I wonder whose pot will be prepared first?"

All of a sudden, Anansi felt a pull at his leg. "Ok," said Anansi. "That is the web string attached to Rabbit's greens." He felt another. Furthermore, another. Ananias pulled three different ways on the double.

"Good,  dear," expressed Anansi as he felt the fourth web string pull.

He felt the fifth web string up, what's more, the 6th, what's more, the seventh, what's more, the eighth. Anansi was stretched as everybody pulled on the web strings without delay. His legs were pulled more slender and more slender. Anansi folded and pulled himself into the stream. At the point when every one of the networks had washed away, Anansi pulled himself agonizingly up on shore.

"Gracious my, goodness my," moaned Anansi. "Maybe that was not a smart thought, ht all things considered."

Right up 'til today, Anansi the Spider has eight extremely slim legs. Also, he never got any food that day whatsoever.

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