

The Hawk And The Hen

Some time ago, falcon and hen lived together in a bit of house. They were generally excellent companions. They did everything together, and they needed to make a drum because the two of them like playing the drum; however, the hen was lethargic… … …; on one occasion, sell said, Hen gave up on timberland cut a few kinds of wood and make a few drum hahaha, Hen said I am incredibly debilitated; I can't accompany you. Then the falcon said loan me your hatchet and your pivot so I can go into the timberland cut some wood for the drum. He said am sorry, my hatchet and pivot are generally debilitated, so they can't work. So sell became irate and go to one of their companions to acquire the instrument to make the drum. After peddle made the drum, he brought it home and put it under the sun for it to dry. Then, at that point, sell went inside to rest, hen immediately ran out of the room and came to play the drum that keleketesoya!!! My companion little drum I can't endlessly play keleketesoya!!!. Whenever sell heard somebody was playing his drum, he ran out of the room and saw it was a hen. He hopped on hen and attempted to kill her; he argued for peddling not to kill her. Sell inquired," what will you give then"? Hen vow to give sell her youngsters to eat. They stopped being companions from that day. What's more, to that end, peddle consistently gets chicks.

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